Coaching with Phil and Priscilla

Free Initial Consultation

Because everyone’s story is different, the path to healing and wholeness is also different for each couple. We would like to develop a free customized coaching plan to help you overcome your past and find hope and healing for your future. Click on the button below to book a free introductory coaching consultation. We would love to talk with you!

Coaching Sessions

We offer 90 minute coaching sessions for you and your spouse with Phil and Priscilla, including a reasonable level of phone, text, and email support between sessions. Coaching is provided on a donation basis only. The coaching sessions can either be in person (if you live close to Orlando, Florida) or online. Click on the button below to book your appointment and make a donation.

Meet Your Coaches: Phil and Priscilla Fretwell

Phil and Priscilla Fretwell are the co-founders of Savage Marriage Ministries, equipping couples to overcome wounds of their past to find forgiveness, experience freedom, and embrace hope for the future. Since 2019, they have been leading small groups and coaching couples to embrace their journeys of healing and recovery.  

They are authors of two award winning books, Savage Marriage: Triumph over Betrayal and Sexual Addiction, and Savage Marriage Study Guide: Overcome Your Past. Fight for Your Future. Their story has been featured on podcasts, television, and radio, including FamilyLife and the Christian Television Network. They also produce the popular podcast Savage Marriage with Phil and Priscilla available on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and many other platforms. They have spoken internationally on sex, marriage, and singleness, and coach frequently at weekend intensives and retreats. 

Based in Orlando, Florida, Phil was previously a managing director with a global consulting firm. In 2018, Phil was recognized by Consulting Magazine as one of the top twenty-five global leaders in consulting. 

Priscilla has invested her life in the lives of others, starting in Brazil serving with her missionary parents, continuing through as a homeschool mother to five children and now as a coach to women in troubled marriages. She is fluent in English and Portuguese.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can couples benefit from coaching?

A. We’ve found that most couples underestimate the intensity and commitment that it takes to recover from serious marital issues. Coaching helps provide a plan for recovery, and accountability to stay on track. In addition, it provides an objective point of view from coaches who’ve worked with many other people in similar situations.

Q. Do you coach only married couples?

A. No. Although we coach mostly married couples, we sometimes coach just one spouse or singles, depending on the individual situation and needs.

Q. What makes your coaching approach unique?

A. Our coaching approach is Christ-centered and Spirit-led. While coaching can provide a structured approach to recovery, only Jesus can provide real healing.

Q. Can coaching help with communication problems?

A. Yes! We will provide homework assignments and exercises that challenge you to think about and discuss a variety of topics that you’ve probably never considered. We use our Savage Marriage Study Guide in many of our coaching plans. You can purchase a copy of this study guide on Amazon if you want to learn more about our approach.

Q. What types of issues do you commonly address in marriage coaching?

A. Common issues are adultery, sexual addictions, connecting spirituality and sexuality, cultivating spiritual and emotional intimacy, effects of past wounds, replacing lies with truth, and building transparency and vulnerability. However, every couple’s needs are different, and we design recovery and coaching plans based on each couple’s unique situation.

Q. How long does the coaching process typically take?

A. Every situation is different, but most couples meet with us for about nine to twelve 90-minute sessions. Meetings can be held weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the time you have to devote to completing your commitments between sessions.

Q. How much time is needed between coaching sessions to complete commitments?

A. Every situation is different, but most people spend 3-5 hours on coaching commitments between sessions, which includes the time spent individually and together (for couples).

Q. Do both spouses need to participate in the coaching sessions?

A. Yes! If scheduling problems arise, you can reschedule appointments online.

Q. Do you offer help between coaching sessions?

A. Yes! Coaching clients receive a reasonable level of phone, text, and email support between sessions free of charge.

Q. How can we continue the progress made in coaching sessions after the coaching plan is completed?

A. We are available for follow-up coaching sessions as needed once the recovery and coaching plan has been completed. You can book appointments as needed online. Also, we encourage couples to attend one marriage intensive each year, and we can provide recommendations based on your individual situation.

Q. Why is coaching only provided on a donation basis?

A. We never want money to stand in the way of getting the help you need, and we recognize that everyone has different family budgets and resources. We’ve always looked at our work as a ministry, and we want to minister to people who need it most. We were impressed that “freely we have received, and freely we shall give.” That doesn’t mean we believe others shouldn’t charge - it’s just what God’s impressed us to do. It also helps us see any donation you provide to our ministry as the hand of God meeting our needs.

Q. What is a typical donation for a 90-minute coaching session?

A. It varies, but most people donate between $50 and $200 for a 90-minute coaching session that includes both Phil and Priscilla. But going outside those guidelines is also OK! We don’t want money to be the reason you can’t get the help you need!

Q. Are donations tax deductible?

A. Donations for coaching services are not tax deductible; however, if you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, you can make it to The Hope and Joy Fund at the National Christian Foundation (a donor-advised fund we’ve set up) by clicking <<here>>.

Acknowledgement and Legal Limitations 

Client acknowledges that coaching services are provided by Savage Marriage Ministries LLC (“Provider”) and that Provider (and Phil and Priscilla Fretwell) are not licensed marriage or mental health counselors, and the coaching it provides does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical, or other qualified professionals. It is the client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. Clients who receive coaching from Provider agree that it is solely the client’s responsibility to decide how to incorporate coaching principles into their marriage and life, including spirituality, work, finances, health, relationships, education, and recreation. Clients also agree that since the efficacy of coaching is solely their responsibility, Savage Marriage Ministries LLC (and Phil and Priscilla Fretwell’s) entire liability under this agreement to provide coaching services, and the client’s exclusive remedy, shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the client to Provider for coaching services for the last coaching session.